
Summer Learning at Long

Long School is excited to offer summer learning opportunities for all of our students. Our summer program will include a balance of academic instruction and enrichment activities. We will be sharing an enrollment form with you very soon by email and we will also have copies available in the office. The program will run from June 23 to August 13. We hope to see everyone participating to some extent. We understand there may be some family trips or events planned. The program is split into two components. The following gives a brief overall plan for our academic program and topics being considered for the afternoon enrichment component.

9:00-2:00 M-Th – The morning time will include focused instruction in Reading, Math, Science/Technology/Engineering, Mindfulness/Physical Activity. Some Enrichment and Social Emotional Learning activities will also be integrated.

2:00-5:00 M-Th – This time may include Sports, Book checkout, Arts/Crafts, Cooking/Nutrition, Music/Instruments, Additional STEM/Makerspace class or other topics of interest.