
A Letter to the Long School Community from the Superintendent

June 4, 2021

Greetings Long Community,

I would like to formally congratulate Ms. Williams-Jakubus on her retirement and I would like to thank her for her years of service supporting Long students and the greater Dearborn community. I would also like to formally announce that for the 2021-2022 school year Ms. Shannon Peterson, the current Executive Director of Student Achievement for the Fordson Feeder Track, will be the Principal at Long Elementary. Ms. Peterson has over 30 years of experience in Education and was previously the principal at Bryant Middle School before she assumed a central office position.

Ms. Peterson is an outstanding administrator, educator and person. I had the pleasure to work with her very closely during my 25 year career in the Dearborn School District. This is especially true over the past six years working together on the Executive Cabinet. She has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty throughout her career to always put students first. Although I am sad to see her leave the Executive Cabinet, I respect her decision to request a ten month position that will allow her to remain a part of our district, utilize all of her skills as an educator, and still do what is in the best interest of her family. Our staff, students, and parents at Long Elementary will benefit from Ms. Peterson’s talents and experience as an educator and her caring and compassion as a person.

Congratulations to Ms. Peterson with her new assignment as I am confident that she will do an outstanding job as the principal of Long Elementary. Again, Congratulations to Ms. Williams-Jakubus and thank you to her for making a positive difference in the lives of many students. As we continue to adjust, adapt, and live through this pandemic, I wish you and your families all the best for safe and healthy days ahead.


Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D.