
Walk and Roll Challenge

    Beginning this year Long Elementary will be teaming with CATCH Michigan to promote the “Whole Child Guided Journey” through health and physical activity. The goal of the program is to provide our students opportunities to increase physical activity while learning the benefits it can have over a lifetime to overall health.     

During the school year I will be teaching some health related lessons in the gym along with leading school wide programs designed to get our students moving to promote overall health and fitness. All of the school programs provide the opportunity for the parent/guardian to demonstrate the importance of the programs to your child through positive feedback/recognition or if possible participation in some of the events.     

This year we will be participating in the Walk N Roll jr. Program which will be starting officially the week of Sept. 19th and will run 6 weeks in the fall and 6 weeks again in the spring. This event is a great way to promote increased physical activity by walking or riding a bike to school when possible.       

This event is a competition between 18 elementary schools in Dearborn. The school with the highest percentage of participation will win a huge trophy to display proudly. Dearborn understands that some of our students are bused or live across a busy road and are unable to walk/bike to school. If your child is unable for those reasons your child can walk/bike while at home with your supervision and count it towards our total participation.

TO PARTICIPATE YOUR CHILD MUST TURN IN THE PERMISSION SLIP THAT WILL BE COMING HOME AFTER THEIR NEXT PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS. After your child has been signed up they can enter the course through Schoology and complete weekly surveys regarding participation. Each participating child for the fall and spring challenge will receive a t-shirt at the end of the school year along with the opportunity to win a bike through a raffle. Let’s make a difference in the overall wellness this year and going forward by encouraging your child to be an active participant in this year’s events.