
Kids Heart Challenge- Long Elementary students raise over $550

On behalf of the American Heart Association, thank you very much for raising *$556.58 with your school’s recent Kids Heart Challenge /American Heart Challenge program.

Families and schools are critical links in providing the foundation for cardiovascular wellness in our country. Your support and participation in the Kids Heart Challenge/American Heart Challenge makes a tremendous impact in helping millions of Americans through increased awareness of cardiovascular disease, lifesaving scientific research and critically needed education efforts.

The American Heart Association’s grant program offers participating schools grants of $250 up to $2,500 for health and wellness initiatives including physical activity equipment. Eligibility requirements can be found here.

Additionally, we offer monthly Learning Series webinars for educators, which may qualify for professional development hours. You can view all our school and teacher benefits that we offer.

Together, we are fierce — a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our mission.

With heart,

Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer
American Heart Association