
Shannon Peterson

March is Reading Month Visitors

Mr. Wall, Executive Director of Business Services, read to second grade today. Mr. Mustonen, Executive Director of Business Services, read to kindergarten today.

March is Reading Month Spirit Week

 March 13- March 17, 2023 Monday: Tie Day    “TIE” yourself into a good book and wear a “TIE” to school! Tuesday: CULTURE DAY  Books can take us ANYWHERE!  Wear a shirt, outfit or colors that represent your culture.  Spend time in class...

STEAM/Literacy Night is March 23rd

Please join us for STEAM/Literacy Night on Thursday, March 23rd from 4/30-6pm.  Join us with your family to explore the worlds of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through hands-on activities and read alouds. STEAM_Literacy-Night-2023-Flier-1Download

Long Artists are Celebrated at the City Wide Art Show

We are so proud of our artists. Layla A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Mia A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Hana A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Jones Adam A., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Mike H., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Jalee H., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Penelope M.,...

Long Elementary City Wide Art Show Participants

CONGRATULATIONS one and ALL! Layla A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Mia A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Hana A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Jones Adam A., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Mike H., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Jalee H., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Penelope M., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Riley P.,...