All fundraising should be turned in this Friday the 13th of January. Any remaining characters will be sold next week until gone for 2$each (all proceeds go to American Heart Association). Information will be coming home soon regarding the Mini Martian Marathon....
Class News
A visit from the Grinch!
Look who was looking in our windows today! Visiting Ms. Jones’ Class Visiting Ms. Wolski’s Class
Pajama Day!
Lots of fun in our comfy pajamas today! We even watched a movie!
Superhero Day and Sing-a-long
Students dressed up like their favorite superheroes and enjoyed a sing-a-long. Jingle Bells
“The Grinch Who Stole Christmas “
Students enjoyed the reading of “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” by a wonderful actor and Dearborn resident; Mr. Doug Berry.
Dress like an adult and career day.
We had astronauts, bakers, civil engineers, cooks, policemen, teachers, veterinarians and even a principal.
Snowman Pancake Character Counts Celebration
A few of our character winners were absent last week. So, we had one more roving chef activity today.
Wacky Wednesday!
Winter Break Countdown
Students and staff are encouraged to participate in our winter break countdown. Long-Winter-Break-Countdown-CalendarDownload
Character Counts Roving Chef Fun
To date, our staff members have given out over 300 character slips to students caught doing something kind, helpful or respectful. We have weekly raffles and pull slips to award students certificates and prizes. Today, Chef Danny and team (Noelle, Courtney and Halee)...