Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
CONGRATULATIONS one and ALL! Layla A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Mia A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Hana A., 5th Grade, Mrs. Jones Adam A., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Mike H., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Jalee H., 4th Grade, Mrs. Ankouny Penelope M., 5th Grade, Mrs. Kaye Riley P.,...
Parents and other interested residents are invited to preview two elementary science curricula that are being piloted in the district. Amplify and PhD science program materials are currently being piloted in some schools in the district. Piloting the science...
Long Elementary School teachers and students are embarking upon a reading adventure. All staff and students are reading "The Mouse and the Motorcycle." Today, Mrs. Peterson read chapter one to our students. ONE-SCHOOL-ONE-BOOKDownload
Our Student Advisory Council created a slide show for Black History Month. Students selected a historical figure to research, created a slide and presented to third, fourth and fifth graders. PDF-Black-History-Month-SAC-PresentationDownload
Today, February 24th, Long Elementary is closed again due to no power. Most schools in the district are open. Please see the previous post for a list of schools impacted by the power outages.
Good Morning, The Dearborn Public Schools will be open today, Friday, February 24,2023. However, the following schools are without power and will be closed: The Heights Campus (Includes Howe, Berry Center and all schools and programs located on the campus)...
Good evening, The Dearborn Public Schools will be open on Friday, February 24th, 2023. The ice storm has created many power outages throughout the Dearborn community and DTE crews continue their efforts to restore power. Throughout the day we have had schools...
Our kindergarten students were counting and creating artwork today! The students were very focused and having fun too!
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