Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Students and staff are encouraged to participate in our winter break countdown. Long-Winter-Break-Countdown-CalendarDownload
To date, our staff members have given out over 300 character slips to students caught doing something kind, helpful or respectful. We have weekly raffles and pull slips to award students certificates and prizes. Today, Chef Danny and team (Noelle, Courtney and Halee)...
Riley Peltz and Sara Iouanoughene were selected to be our City Beautiful Commissioners. They attended the City Beautiful breakfast with Ms. Jones and Ms. Peterson. They will work on a project at our school to increase awareness on recycling and continue the work on...
Just a reminder that picture retakes are tomorrow, November 30th. If you were unhappy with your child's school pictures or your child was absent, he/she may take/retake pictures tomorrow. If students are doing a retake, they must return the complete original...
Our school had so much fun kicking off this year’s Kids Heart Challenge today! We traveledthe globe with this year’s heart heroes, who emphasized the importance of things like helpingothers, drinking water, getting enough sleep, and saying NO to tobacco and vaping....
The company working with the district to develop a 30-year facilities recommendation for Dearborn Public Schools is asking community members to offer their input via an online form. The district hired Fielding International in September to look at the district’s 37...
In an effort to be prepared, we had a lockdown drill today. The students and staff did an excellent job. In preparation, teachers have read the book, “I’m not scared, I’m prepared because I know all about ALICE.” Staff practiced barricading the door with students...
Students may bring in canned goods to support Edsel Ford High School in the Battle for Hunger. If you wish to donate, please check out the information attached. Battle-flyer-for-schools-2022Download
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