Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Thank you to our teachers for organizing and presenting important information on math and reading. Thank you parents for attending. Students were very happy to have a parent/guardian to share their learning with.
SFE, our food service company, brought and apple market place to Long. Students learned about different types of apples, tasted them and had to identify which was sour and which was sweet. They even got a recipe for an apple cinnamon dip. Finally, they got to taste...
LAHC (Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities) will join us on October 18th at 4:30pm via zoom to discuss Halloween safety. Please click here to join us. SAFETY FOCUSED VIRTUAL SESSION FOR PARENTS!OCTOBER, 18 4:30-5:30PMءًمسا ٥:٣٠-٤:٣٠ ,١٨ أكتوبرجلسة...
Eighty one students have attended every day since August 29th. We are proud of them. Miss Pam made them cookies!
Ms. Jone’s and Ms. McShane’s classes spent time with their reading buddies.
Students enjoyed an apple and reading outside today. Grades 3,4,5 Preschool and Kindergarten
Just a reminder that October 7th is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:05pm.
In an effort to be prepared, we had a lockdown drill today. The students and staff did an excellent job. In preparation, teachers have read the book, "I'm not scared, I'm prepared because I know all about ALICE." THIS WAS ONLY A DRILL.
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