Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
School Board Trustee Mozip joined Ms. Towler's class and Ms. Wolski's class today. He read "Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon" and shared childhood stories. The students were very engaged. Trustee Mozip answering questions from Mrs. Towler's students. Trustee Mozip reads to...
Superintendent Maleyko came to read to kindergarten today. Ms. Fatme Faraj, Executive Director of Student Achievement, came to read to first grade today. Mr. Adam Martin, Executive Director of Student Achievement, came to read to third grade today.
Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for the Summer Enrichment Program meeting. For those of you who missed it, please take some time to view this informational video and consider signing your child up for our summer program. The program is free to Long...
Dearborn Public Schools is once again offering a summer enrichment program. Summer Enrichment/School will be held from June 27th - July 28th. We are holding an informational meeting on Friday, March 11th at 3:30pm in the cafeteria. You may register...
March is Reading Month spirit week March 7- March 11 Monday: Super Hero Day Show us that you are a “SUPER READER” by dressing up like a superhero! Tuesday: Beach Vacation Wear Books can take us ANYWHERE and we can read books ANYWHERE! Dress like you...
Dear Parent/Guardian, We want to hear from you. This survey is to help us understand the quality of services provided to learners and their families. The survey results can be used to support the continuous improvement process and revisit school...
Menu for 2/28 thru 3/4 Monday Mac & Cheese Spinach & Black Bean Wrap Tuesday Virtual Learning Day Wednesday Halal Chicken Patty Sandwich...
March 1st, 2022 Remote Learning Day- Parent information Dear Parents/Guardians, Due to the special election, March 1st is a virtual learning day. The Long staff have planned a day full of activities. Please have your child logged on by 9am. The...
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