
District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Long Elementary School

3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124

Long Learning Plan 5/26/20-5/29/20

Here is the link to our weekly learning plan. As always, classroom teachers will communicate more detailed information through Google classroom, Class Dojo or Seesaw. Thank you for all you are doing to support your child's learning during this time. Remember that work...

Long Learning Plan 5/18/20-5/21/20

Here is the link to our weekly learning plan. As always, classroom teachers will communicate more detailed information through Google classroom, Class Dojo or Seesaw. Thank you for all you are doing to support your child's learning during this time. Remember there is...

Food Distribution Schedule Update

Dearborn Public Schools families are reminded that the meal distribution schedule will have a few changes starting the week of May 18 – the week before Memorial Day.Because schools were scheduled to be closed on Friday and Monday for Memorial Day weekend, there will...

Long School Kindergarten Round Up

We would like to welcome our incoming kindergarteners and their parents to Long Elementary School. While we may not be able to have a traditional Kindergarten Round Up, we wanted to share some information that may be useful as you and your child prepare to enter...

Long Learning Plan 5/11-5/15

Here is the link to our weekly learning plan. If you did not pick up materials and math books last week, they can be picked up M, W or F from 10-12 during food distribution. Thank you for all you are doing to support your child's learning during this time.Long...

Happy Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day!

Thank you to everyone in our Long School Family. Your dedication, knowledge, passion and compassion make a difference for our children every day! Our community came together to create this gift for you.Long Teacher Appreciation Video

Long Learning Plan 5/4/20-5/8/20

Here is the link to our weekly learning plan. Click on the link to open and select the grade level or specials tab at the bottom to see assignments and links. Make sure to include recess! This is Teacher Appreciation Week. Don't forget to thank your teacher/s for all...

Materials and Math Module Distribution

This week on Tuesday, May 5 and Thursday, May 7, Long School will be distributing materials to help students continue their learning, as well as any math modules they may need for the rest of the school year. You may pick them up in the student drop off zone on New...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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