Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
During the school closure, we will be distributing meals M-F at Long School from 10:00 am-12:00 noon. Meals will be available on the Kindergarten porch area. Throughout this time, we will be providing regular updates. Please join our School Blog to ensure you receive...
Use form below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZI2RFNYNWyuc-yQiOdzfJXorJN_X23P4EBMYxeS4cYLgZow/viewform In order to support students, we are looking loaning Chromebooks to families needing them to help students continue to learn. Please note that...
Governor Whitmer has declared all schools closed until April 3. April 6 through 10 is the District's scheduled Spring Break. Therefore, Dearborn Schools will resume on April 13, 2020. Teachers will continue to communicate expectations and resources for remote learning...
Long School is continuing our work to keep our students safe, secure and healthy. We are taking additional precautions to avoid or minimize chances of Covid-19 spread. We are reinforcing the following procedures and appreciate your support as well: -frequent...
Long School is hosting Parent University this March featuring the Kids Work It Out program. See the attached flyer. Parent University Flyer
Greetings Dearborn Community, Typically, national and world events are only a small part of our daily dialogue but on occasion they can grow to a point where they consume and dominate our conversation. This is the current status regarding the discussions taking place...
Please join the Long Elementary School community at 5:30 on Monday, February 24th for Chatting with the Superintendent. Dr. Glenn Maleyko will meet with parents and staff in the Media Center to share information regarding the district and answer questions you might...
Camp Roadrunner will be open every Monday and Wednesday in the Media Center at Long School. The hours are 9:00 to 12:00 from 6/24/19 to 8/7/19. All students are welcome to attend. You can sign up when you bring your child. In addition to literacy support, the program...
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