Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Long Elementary School
3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Long Elementary PTA has teamed up with Barnes and Noble (Allen Park) for a Fall Book Fair. The Book Fair will run from November 11th to November 16th, with the kick-off being in-store on November 11th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. During the kick-off: • Barnes and Noble...
On Tuesday, October 24th at 8:45, Long School will have our first Parent Meeting of the year. The meeting will focus on strategies for helping your child with reading at home. Participants will learn how to support with sight word recognition, reading fluency and...
The upcoming U of M vs State game has brought out some very strong opinions from students, parents and staff at Long. While the fifth grade penny wars is always a fun and profitable event, this year has been exceptional. Various flags and mascots 'mysteriously'...
On Wednesday, Oct. 4, Long School will once again participate in International Walk to School Day. Our students and parents will join with others throughout the world in supporting a healthy lifestyle by walking to school. Staff members will be outdoors helping cross...
The Long School community has been exploring the topic of respect for the past few weeks. Students have watched informative videos, discussed what respect is/ isn't and practiced showing respect throughout the school. They learned that respect is showing others they...
Constitution Day is Sunday so this Friday third graders at Long partnered up with first graders to share their Constitution Day booklets and discuss why they thought rules might be important. It was an interesting conversation!
As our community comes back together and we welcome many new faces, we are focused on building closer relationships, between adults and students as well as among students. Classrooms at Long started by having teachers and students create 'Me Bags'. Students and...
Download the Signed School Zone Safety letter to see fines and other traffic violations police will be enforcing. Ensuring the safety of all students is a paramount objective of both the Dearborn Public Schools and the Dearborn Police Department. An area of common...
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