
District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

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Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Long Elementary School

3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124

New for Fall!

Long School will be home to several new programs beginning this fall. First, we will be opening a Great Start to Readiness Program classroom this year. This is a funded preschool program for four year olds. We are extremely excited to welcome teacher, Veronica Kubitz,...

Enjoy the Summer!

Thanks to everyone for another successful year at Long School. This year, we celebrated the retirement of several members of our family. Congratulations to Mrs. Kathy DeFroy, Nurse Laurie Feldcamp, Mr. Eric Shea and Mrs. Kathy Struk. We wish you all the best and look...

A Long Walk for Edsel Ford Graduates

Edsel Ford seniors who previously attended Long School came back for a final walk through today. Current Long students and staff cheered them on and celebrated their success with them. Following the walk through, seniors answered questions for fifth graders about...

Thank You Mr. Shea!!!

Mr. Eric Shea conducted his final concert prior to his retirement from Dearborn Public Schools on Thursday, May 19th. Performers included 5th grade band and strings students from Long, DuVall and Whitmore-Bolles Elementary Schools. Mr. Shea has dedicated 30 years to...

Long Recycling is Moving Forward!

Long School has been actively recycling for several years but now our Student Recycling Committee is getting some additional support from the City of Dearborn and The Ecology Center. Through the efforts of a collaborative committee, Long School received new classroom...

Writers and Music Support Reading at Long

The value and diversity of reading has been particularly emphasized at Long School this week. On Wednesday, Johnathan Rand, author of the Michigan and American Chillers series, visited Long and shared many of his experiences including one of his favorite quotes...

Teacher of the Year Nominations

Is there a certain teacher who really encouraged or motivated your child? Went above and beyond? Provided an extraordinary learning experience? We have many exceptional teachers here at Long and now is the time to recognize them. Nominations are being accepted for the...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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