
District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Long Elementary School

3100 Westwood
Dearborn, Michigan 48124

Enjoy the Long Weekend!

Just a reminder that Dearborn Schools will be closed Friday and Monday. We will resume classes on Tuesday, February 16th. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our water collection. Long School was able to donate 60 cases of water to help the residents of Flint. A...

2015-16 Legal Announcements Now Available

The law requires the Dearborn Public Schools to provide parents or guardians a set of legal announcements containing information on laws pertaining to students and parents. The updated version of these announcements is now available on the district website,...

Applications for STEM Middle School Now Being Accepted

Several parents and students at Long have expressed interest in the Dearborn STEM Middle School. Here is the latest information. Applications for the school Year 2016-2017 will be submitted online this year by clicking the link below; Must be a Dearborn City Resident...

Fifth Grade Planet Reports in the 21st Century

Mrs. Newsted worked with Mrs. Jones fifth graders to produce technology enhanced planet reports. The students used Chatterpix to create their report and Mrs. Newsted linked their reports to a QR barcode that can be accessed through a cell phone or tablet. Check them...

Long Students are Serious About Science!

The Long School S.A.S. (Serious About Science) Club will begin meeting with Mrs. Newsted next Thursday, Jan. 14 from 3:45-4:30. This is a new academic enrichment program for fourth and fifth graders interested in Science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and...

Lowrey Carolers Come Calling at Long

Students involved in the afterschool music program at Lowrey School visited Long School today and entertained us with their caroling. Under the direction of music teacher, Ashley Helper and with the assistance of teacher, Rana Hassna, 44 students in grades 4 and 5...

There’s Snow Place Like Long!

Our School Culture Committee has transformed the main hallway into a Winter Wonderland. The fence that once held pumpkins is now home to snowmen and snow women enthusiastically displaying their math knowledge. Every student is contributing in their own unique way....

Thank You Ms. Pizzino!

Today was Ms. Pizzino's last official day with her first graders. Mrs. McShane is returning from her leave on Monday. The Long School community and all of the students would like to thank her immensely for all she has done for us. Her dedication, energy and positive...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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