
Thank You!

Dear Long School Families,

It is with mixed feelings that I share this news with you. After 36 years as a public school teacher and administrator, I am choosing to retire at the end of this school year. This is not a decision made lightly but one made after considerable reflection.
I have been blessed to work with many outstanding teachers, supportive families and awesome students throughout my career. My last 14 years as Principal of Long Elementary have been the most rewarding of all. I am extremely proud of the culture and climate at Long School which I feel genuinely supports the district mission of “Students First”.
I will certainly miss working with everyone to ensure our students receive the best but am confident that the dedicated staff of Long School in collaboration with our families will continue this mission. I will work with district leaders to make sure the transition happens as smoothly as possible. I truly appreciate the trust and support you have shown me over the years. I wish you all the best and will remember my years at Long fondly.

Veronica Williams-Jakubus
(Mrs. J.)